Commands i find useful in Vim.

A good place to start using vim is to go through the guide in:


To read more about below commands use :help in vim.

Goto file with :gf

Super useful, when you hover over a path or something in your PATH then vim will goto the file.

Explore files with :Vexplore and :Sexplore

Will split the text editor s.t. you can jump in a new window to something different.

Jump back and forth with CTRL-I and CTRL-O

When you have jumped somewhere you can use these two to jump back and forth.

I often type

vim .

And then CTRL-O to jump to the file I had just been editing.

Search and Replace

You can search and replace with :%s/from/go/gc. The c option gives a prompt which is great.


Mark stuff in visual mode and then type :sort and you will sort stuff.

Find and till a word.

Used :f find a word and :t to find a word but put the cursor before it. Useful in visual mode.

Find closing bracket with %

If you have the cursor on a bracket typing % will jump to the closing bracket.

Run stuff in terminal emulator

Type :terminal and you will get a terminal emulator. You can copy from this terminal emulator by going into normal mode in it.


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